mailing lists


strategies and tools

As I told you, there is a way and a way to do email marketing. A real email marketing campaign must first of all be done with the consent of the people to whom we send our newsletters , then it must be done in a respectful and generous way mailing lists in Asheville.

Your contact list will allow you to:

generate “on demand” traffic for each of your new content that you publish

understand the topics that interest your readers most and adjust accordingly

establish a bond of trust with your audience

 find clients, partnerships and profits.

As you can see, your list contains everything you need for the success of a business: traffic, trust and earnings. You will tell me that you can easily get the same benefits by working well with social networks or ads campaigns. Very true! However, I invite you not to make these distinctions, as each marketing asset has its own importance and the various channels are not to be considered in competition but complementary.

To make you understand, let’s make a hypothesis:

If you, between 2005 and 2007, had invested a lot in My Space and you would not have created a list, when Facebook arrived in Italy in 2007 and slowly My Space “went out of fashion”, you would have found yourself with a handful of flies. in your hands and in order to communicate quickly to a large number of users you would have had to wait for the network to recreate itself on the new social network or restart with paid campaigns. If, on the other hand, you had drawn up a list, a newsletter would have been enough to invite everyone to the new platform and quickly start over from there.

Having a list means having a treasure that no social network or no paid campaign will be able to match but for all of this to come true you have to work in a certain way …

Let’s see how email marketing really works and what are the strategies and tools to use to make everything work as it should.